Other concurrent basketball leagues:    
PBL  ·  NEL  ·  MCBL  ·  MSBL
F i l t e r   &   S o r t 
a.k.a. Electrics
1899-1904 6 2
Figuring prominently in Camden’s success were set shooting stars Eddie Ferat and Snake Deal, and high-scoring Bill Keenan, who had displaced veteran John Wendelken as the league’s best center. Equally...
1899-1904 6 2
Known as the Trenton Potters in early 1900s, the Trenton Bengals (aka Royal Bengals) in the 1920s and 30s, and eventually as the Trenton Tigers in the 1940s before fading along with the ABL.
Millville Glassblowers played for 6 seasons from 1899 to 1904, several in the NBL1, before folding....
1903-1904 2
Conshohocken Giants played for 7 seasons from 1903 to 1909, several in the PBL, before folding....
Schuykill Falls Biddies played for only one season in 1904, finishing with a record of 2-12 in the NBL1 before folding....
1900-1903 4 1
New York Wanderers played for 4 seasons from 1900 to 1903, several in the NBL1, before folding....
a.k.a. Nationals
1900-1903 4 1
Bristol franchise merged with Burlington at the end of the first half
Bristol franchise merged with Burlington at the end of the first half
a.k.a. Peaches
1902-1903 2
Philadelphia Quakers played for 2 seasons from 1902 to 1903, several in the NBL1, before folding....
Wilmington (Nationals) played for only one season in 1903, finishing with a record of 2-14 in the NBL1 before folding....
Pennsylvania Bicycle Club played for 2 seasons from 1900 to 1901, several in the NBL1, before folding....
1900-1900 1
Chester Big Five played for only one season in 1900, finishing with a record of 0-6 in the NBL1 before folding....
Philadelphia Clover Wheelman played for only one season in 1899, finishing with a record of 5-14 in the NBL1 before folding....
Germantown (Nationals) played for only one season in 1899, finishing with a record of 1-4 in the NBL1 before folding....
1899-1899 1
Kensington Hancock played for only one season in 1899, finishing with a record of 0-6 in the NBL1 before folding....

1 Comment

  1. I sincerely appreciate the research work, and the information being shared. It is important and interesting history.

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