Other basketball leagues in 1931:    
EBL2  ·  ABL1
The league, suffering under the financial pressures of the Great Depression, folded at the end of its only season.
z: best record, c: conference winner, y: division winner, w: wildcard, x: clinched playoff spot

Tri-State Championship

Best of 5-game series
???Wilmington 21-23 Bridgeton BRI 1-0
???Bridgeton 26-30 Wilmington Tied 1-1
???Wilmington 37-36 Bridgeton WIL 2-1
???Bridgeton 35-30 Wilmington Tied 2-2
???Bridgeton 16-22 Wilmington WIL 3-2

1 Comment

  1. I sincerely appreciate the research work, and the information being shared. It is important and interesting history.

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