Fiction House is a publishing company that was founded in 1920 by John B. "Jack" Kelly and Thurman T. Scott. It was one of the first companies to specialize in sports-related publications. The company was known for its high-quality magazines, which featured stories about sports, athletes, and sports-related topics. Fiction House was also one of the first companies to produce sports-related comic books. The company's most popular titles included Sport Story Magazine, Sport Comics, and Sport Thrillers.

Fiction House was an important part of the sports industry in the early 20th century. Its magazines and comic books helped to popularize sports and athletes, and its stories often featured real-life sports stars. The company's publications also helped to promote sportsmanship and fair play. Fiction House was also one of the first companies to feature female athletes in its stories, which helped to break down gender barriers in the sports world.

Fiction House was eventually sold to another publisher in the 1950s, but its legacy lives on. Its publications helped to shape the sports industry and popularize sports in the early 20th century. Its stories and comic books also helped to promote sportsmanship and fair play, and its inclusion of female athletes helped to break down gender barriers in the sports world.
