Walter Robert Briggs, born on August 6, 1965, in Elmira, New York, is a former American football quarterback who briefly played in the National Football League (NFL) for the New York Jets. Standing 6 feet 1 inch tall and weighing 205 pounds, Briggs attended Hackensack High School before playing college football at Montclair State University. Despite not being drafted in 1987, he managed to secure a position with the New York Jets, marking his entry into professional football.

Briggs's tenure in the NFL was short-lived, and his career statistics, while not extensively detailed in public records, highlight a fleeting journey through professional football. His path from Montclair State to the NFL encapsulates the challenges and triumphs faced by undrafted players striving to make it in the league. After his stint with the Jets, Briggs's professional football career concluded, transitioning him out of the spotlight.

Though his time in the NFL was brief, Walter Briggs's story is emblematic of the determination and perseverance required to reach professional levels in sports, especially as an undrafted athlete. The references to his career, including stats from and, along with mentions in media outlets like, underscore the footprint he left in the sport, albeit for a short period. Briggs's journey from a hopeful college athlete to an NFL player, even if just for a season, reflects the aspirations and realities of many athletes who dream of playing at the highest level.
