The league, suffering under the financial pressures of the Great Depression, folded at the end of the season.
z: best record, c: conference winner, y: division winner, w: wildcard, x: clinched playoff spot

Second Half Tie-breaker

Best of 3-game series
Date    OpponentResultScoreSeries
???at ChicagoW  25-11 1-0
???vs ChicagoW  20-16 2-0

ABL Championship

Best of 7-game series
Date    OpponentResultScoreSeries
???at Bkn. VisitationsL  10-14 0-1
???at Bkn. VisitationsL  13-21 0-2
???vs Bkn. VisitationsW  24-20 1-2
???vs Bkn. VisitationsW  30-26
???vs Bkn. VisitationsL  13-18 2-3
???at Bkn. VisitationsL  18-24 2-4